6 rules for a toned body

6 rules for a toned body

The way to a physically firm body leads first and foremost through appropriate training, which should include strength training in addition to pure endurance training. The fact that muscles are metabolically active speaks in favor of strength training. Put simply, this means that they burn calories and thus help to shed unwanted pounds. It should be noted that the muscles do not only consume calories during exercise, whereas the consumption of calories through endurance sports is almost exclusively limited to the duration of the exercise. In addition to training, your diet naturally also plays a major role. The following basic rules will tell you what to look for in your diet.

Basic rules of nutrition

Rule 1: The right amount of calories

If you want to reduce your body fat percentage, it is advisable to take in fewer calories than you consume throughout the day. However, you should not reduce your calorie intake too drastically, otherwise the dreaded yo-yo effect can occur and you also lack the necessary energy to train. There is also a risk of a potentially unhealthy nutrient deficiency. Regardless of this, when it comes to calories, it is important not just to look at the quantity, but above all for the quality.

Rule 2: The type of calories

High quality proteins have relatively few calories compared to fats. In addition, they are significantly more filling than most carbohydrates. In addition, proteins are required for building and maintaining muscle mass. As a result, the majority of your daily caloric intake should be covered by protein. A recommendation in this regard is to have a glass of skimmed milk or one in the morning high quality protein shake to drink, as you can thereby satisfy your hunger and at the same time supply your body with low-calorie proteins. With regard to the right diet, it should be noted that you should not completely do without fats, especially since the quantity is more important than the quality. This means that there are fats that are not only healthy, but can also help you lose weight. However, you should always be careful not to consume any fat in combination with carbohydrates if possible, as this combination promotes fat storage in the body.

Rule 3: The frequency of meals

It is generally advised to eat several small servings instead of fewer large meals, as this would stimulate the metabolism. In addition, speaks in favor of small meals that are eaten at short intervals that your blood sugar level does not drop. In addition, there is little risk that you will consume more calories than you actually need due to being very hungry.

Rule 4: lose weight with the help of caffeine

Caffeine is said to speed up your metabolism. It can also have a positive influence on your nervous system and your physical and mental performance. However, you should only consume caffeine in moderation. As an alternative or as a supplement to caffeine may you at this point Guarana especially since it offers almost all of the benefits of caffeine without any unwanted side effects.

Rule 5: The optimal fluid intake

In order to increase your performance and lose unwanted body fat, you have to drink enough. Two to three liters of pure water a day would be ideal, although you can also cover your fluid requirements with other drinks, such as juices, teas and energy drinks. Due to the high caffeine content, coffee is also an option, although it is often said that it would have a dehydrating effect. In general, you should always pay attention to the sugar content and the other ingredients in all your drinks. Here you can also get on well low-calorie sports drinks use, which also contain important vitamins and minerals.

Rule 6: Building muscle and losing weight with the help of sports nutrition

You can find a variety of in stores Nutritional supplements for diet and fat lossthat can actually help you build muscle and reduce fat. However, it is not advisable to use the diet preparations alone without adhering to these basic rules of the diet, as the desired results may then not be achieved. It should also be noted that sports nutrition is not an alternative to conventional food, but merely a useful supplement. These can be used very effectively to aid nutrition and diet. E.g. even if you get hungry and time is short, go to one Proteinriegel or the like instead of letting yourself be tempted into fast food, unhealthy ready meals or snacks with a high fat or sugar content.


Diets can help you lose some pounds quickly. However, weight loss is anything but sustainable if you let yourself walk after the end of the diet. In fact, there is even the risk that after stopping a diet you will gain more weight than you have lost through it. Regardless, weight loss alone will not necessarily make your body look firmer and certainly not sportier. Therefore, it always makes sense to do sports and eat consciously. Finally it should be noted that a supplementary intake of high quality and proven effective sports nutrition Can definitely help you to realize your dream of the athletically slim or even athletically tight figure, if it is used correctly.

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