Training booster for that extra kick during training

Training booster for that extra kick during training

Wer sein allgemeines Leistungsvermögen signifikant verbessern will oder aber gezielt seine Kraft respektive seine Ausdauer erheblich steigern möchte, muss selbstverständlich regelmäßig trainieren. Doch selbst ambitioniertesten Athleten, die mit vollem Eifer und beneidenswerter Begeisterung ihrem Sport nachgehen fällt es gelegentlich schwer, die nötige Energie für eine bevorstehende Trainingseinheit zu finden. Aller Wahrscheinlichkeit dürfte es Dir auch schon das eine oder andere Mal so gegangen sein. Gründe dafür gibt es viele. Erfreulicherweise gibt es aber auch sogenannte Trainingsbooster in the form of sports nutrition, which gives you the kick you need in the aforementioned situations in which there is a lack of motivation to train, so that you can train and achieve your goal, whether it is more strength, better endurance or simply a well-trained figure take a decisive step closer.

What are training boosters?

Training boosters are nutritional supplements for sports nutrition that give you that certain boost or boost to be able to train effectively despite lack of drive in the event of brief performance lows. These boosters usually contain purely natural substances, so that they are usually completely harmless to your health. That applies at least to the products that are sold in Germany and in our shop are available. The specific substances or ingredients involved can vary greatly from product to product, especially since different causes for a lack of drive obviously require different active ingredients that counteract them. Many training boosters contain active ingredients that stimulate both the body and the mind to a certain extent. The most common active ingredients include caffeine, guarana and dextrose. Incidentally, the dextrose in question is so-called glucose, which in itself is nothing more than conventional grape sugar. All of these substances provide your body with additional energy and also help you to concentrate better, which is incredibly important in order to be able to train effectively. In addition, there are training boosters, the effect of which goes far beyond a pure energy supply and / or an effective concentration aid.

Training booster with additional effect

In addition to the boosters described above, there are also training boosters that have a direct positive effect on your speed and basic strength, your endurance performance and / or your muscle building. These include, for example, training boosters, which in addition to the active ingredients already mentioned, for example amino acids or Creatin angereichert sind. Während Aminosäuren die Bestandteile von Proteinen sind und demzufolge als Baustoffe, aus denen Muskeln aufgebaut werden, bezeichnet werden dürfen, ist Creatin ein hocheffektiver Wirkstoff, der nachweislich durch eine regelmäßige Einnahme von nur 3 g am Tag Deine Schnellkraft und letztendlich auch Deine Grundkraft auf ein bis dato ungeahntes Niveau anheben kann. Spätestens Bodybuilder schätzen an Creatin zudem bei dieser Einnahmedosis, dass die Muskulatur schnell deutlich an Umfang gewinnt, ohne dabei „aufgedunsen“ oder glatt beziehungsweise konturlos zu wirken.

When should training boosters be taken?

Due to the fact that the composition varies from product to product, no general recommendation on the optimal time of intake can be made at this point. Regardless of this, training boosters are available as tablets and capsules, as well as powder and in liquid form as so-called liquid, which in turn results in different absorption times. Therefore, you should always consider the respective manufacturer's information. It should also be noted that there are training boosters that you can take not only in the case of short-term lack of drive, but also permanently or at least over a longer period of time. It should also be noted that training boosters can provide you with a certain energy and performance boost not only during training, but of course also during competitions.


Trainingsbooster Depending on the product, sports nutrition can give you that certain kick in case of exhaustion, lack of drive or even reluctance to go to training. In addition, there are boosters with additional active ingredients that significantly increase your performance in general or specifically your endurance as well as speed and basic strength.

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