Advice portals for athletes in check

Advice portals for athletes in check

Even the most experienced athlete is sometimes faced with questions that he cannot answer. Well worth novel Sports nutrition? How often do I have to train a certain muscle group? These and other questions should be answered by experts or other competent sources depending on the difficulty - after all, this is about your health.

You have already found a good place to go: The Athletik blog. Whether here on the blog or by phone, we will be happy to answer your questions about the right sports nutrition. But other platforms, such as the well-known website, can also help quickly thanks to their experienced community.

Different types of users have their say, from recreational athletes to health experts. The portal is ideal for quick questions in between, such as the ideal time for a protein shake and the like. The first answers are usually given by community members within a few minutes.

Doctors' specialist portals

Eine andere Möglichkeit sind Webseiten, die von Ärzten unterhalten werden. Die wohl bekannteste Ratgeberseite zum Thema Gesundheit ist wohl Hier werden Erkrankungen verständlich erklärt und entsprechende Beratung gegeben. Da diese Ratschläge natürlich viel Gewicht besitzen, sollte man bei anderen Webseiten im Rahmen der eigenen Möglichkeiten nachprüfen, ob tatsächlich ein anerkannter Arzt hinter dem entsprechenden Portal steht. Hier kann das Impressum erste Anhaltspunkte geben. Gegenüber den anfangs genannten Portalen gibt es hier jedoch einen Nachteil: die Interaktivität fehlt, es können nur fachliche, allgemein gehaltene Ratschläge angesehen werden. Als Ausgleich bieten viele dieser Plattformen spezielle Foren zu verschiedenen Themenbereichen.

The classic, but also proven way to answer questions is of course to the local fitness studio. Like-minded people and friends can be asked for their opinion here. But when it comes to specific complaints, it is best to see a doctor. He also offers competent advice on specific questions about nutrition.

How reliable are these online portals?

The myhandicap website checked out medical portals as part of an article. In general, a second and third opinion should always be obtained for serious health issues. Of course, no online portal can replace the doctor - that should be clear. However, these can still be very helpful for an initial assessment or for the decision to consult a doctor.

In particular, the website performed well in this comparison, part of the website network of the gutefrage portal. Read the whole report here.

Image source: (c) hoboton (Royalty Free)

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