Supplement plan for the muscle building phase

Supplement plan for the muscle building phase

Supplementary plan for beginners, advanced and professionals

Build muscle with our supplement planWith this supplement plan we give you a guide, which is intended as a supplement to your diet in the muscle building phase. The plan has been tested and adjusted several times, so that there is now an optimal supplement plan for building high-quality muscle mass. It is intended for people who train intensively and want to ideally support muscle building with the help of increased calorie intake and the use of selected dietary supplements. You should still pay attention to a balanced diet.

An adapted diet and the use of supportive foods are tailored to the respective training phase and especially the training load Supplements such as exercise nutrition very important. With increased work performance, your body needs more nutrients for the production of energy as well as building materials for the creation of new muscle tissue. This is also important insofar as your body would otherwise even begin to gain the required energy from already available muscle mass if there was a lack of certain nutrients. So with your diet you have to ensure that your body maintains the "anabolic" processes (muscle building) as possible. In addition, with the supply of the right nutrients, an anti-catabolic effect (muscle maintenance) must be achieved at the same time, with which you counteract the "catabolic" processes (muscle breakdown).

Since muscle building training is mainly used to train with strong intensity in the anaerobic area (the muscles work here without oxygen), the body's energy is mainly obtained from ATP and creatine phosphate. This fact plays an important role when supplementing the daily diet with supplements, so that in no supplement plan for the muscle building phase Creatin should be missing. In other sports nutrition plans, e.g. for the diet, creatine is not to be found, since these plans are again specially tailored to a diet and not to a muscle-building diet.

Supplement plan to supplement the diet in the muscle building phase

time Beginner Advanced
more paced
After getting up 5 g L-Glutamine 3 g Arginine,
5 g L-Glutamine
For breakfast
(high in fiber)
25 g Wheyprotein,
Multivitamin & Mineralstoffe
30 g Wheyprotein,
2 g omega-3 fatty acids,
Multivitamin & Mineralstoffe
30 g Wheyprotein,
3 g omega-3 fatty acids,
Multivitamin & Mineralstoffe
Snack in between
(+ Banana, apple, etc.)
Weight-Gainer Shake Weight-Gainer Shake
For lunch
(high in carbohydrates, with rice, whole wheat pasta, jacket potatoes, fresh vegetables, fresh salad)
15-20 g Wheyprotein 20-30 g multi-component protein 20-30 g whey or multi-component protein,
Snack in between
(+ Banana, apple, etc.)
Weight-Gainer Shake Weight-Gainer Shake
45-30 minutes before training
(Do not eat 1 ½ hours before training, exception: banana)
1 g of carnitine Trainingsbooster
(with arginine,
Beta alanine, caffeine),
5 g BCAAs,
1 g of carnitine
3 g Arginine,
4 g beta alanine,
5 g BCAAs,
10-20 g EAAs,
1-2 g carnitine,
200-500 mg of caffeine
Immediately after training Weight-Gainer Shake,
3 g Creatin
30 g Wheyprotein,
60-80 g Maltodextrin,
3-5 g Creatin,
5 g L-Glutamine,
30 g Wheyprotein,
10 g Caseinprotein,
80-100 g Maltodextrin,
3-5 g Creatin,
5 g L-Glutamine,
5 g BCAAs,
Chromium complex,
For dinner
(high protein, easily digestible carbohydrates)
Multivitamin & Mineralstoffe
Before sleep 25 g casein or multi-component protein,
2 g omega-3 fatty acids,
30 g casein or multi-component protein,
2 g omega-3 fatty acids,
5 g L-Glutamine,
30 g Caseinprotein,
10 g Wheyprotein,
3 g omega-3 fatty acids,
5 g L-Glutamine,

The consumption quantities of the Proteins and carbohydrates should be adapted to your diet. Depending on your needs and the food you are eating, you can take more or less here. The recommended daily dose Vitamins and Minerals (RDA, see product label) must not be exceeded.

All-In-One SupplementTip: If it is not possible or too cumbersome for you to take many different supplements individually in doses, you can also take one All-In-One Supplement use. You can distribute the recommended daily dose of the all-in-one supplement over one to three times of intake. In addition, you usually only need protein shakes as a supplement.

Brief description of the supplements:

  • Proteins

For muscle growth are Proteins essential as they are the building blocks for new muscle tissue. If there is a lack of adequate protein intake, muscle growth cannot take place. As a formula for your daily protein requirement, you should calculate 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. As an example, with a body weight of 75 kilograms, you should be consuming 165 grams of protein per day. This is the total amount that you should be consuming daily through diet and protein powder use according to this supplement plan. To best support the anabolic processes in the body, you should have a serving of fast proteins (such as Wheyprotein) take to you in order to maintain an even supply. For supply over a longer period of time, e.g. the night's rest, you should Caseinprotein use. A is also recommended as a supplement to protein intake during a meal Multicomponent protein. In nutrition, e.g. lean meat, low-fat dairy products, as well as egg whites (excluding egg yolks) and fish protein-rich foods.

  • carbohydrates

Play for the energy processes or the provision of energy carbohydrates an important role. For people who train intensely, it is important that the stores in the muscles in the form of glycogen are well filled before training and quickly replenished after training. So you should also make sure you have an adequate intake of complex carbohydrates. These keep the blood sugar level as stable as possible and provide the body with the energy it needs over the long term. In the muscle building phase, the daily carbohydrate intake should be at least 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight.

  • Weight-Gainer

As Weight Gainer or massgainers are supplements that combine various nutrients, mainly proteins and carbohydrates. They were specially developed for the requirements of a high nutrient supply in the muscle building phase. With these weight gainer shakes you can take in a high amount of calories in the form of proteins and various carbohydrates as well as other nutrients that are beneficial for muscle building with one shake. Gainers are of great help, especially when building mass and for people who find it difficult to gain weight (hard gainers).

  • Supplement man with musclesCreatin

Next to the proteins is Creatin probably the most widely used sports nutrition supplement. Creatine increases e.g. the physical performance of high-speed strength training in the context of short-term, intense physical activity. As already written above, creatine as a precursor to ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is an important source of energy in anaerobic training. The positive effect in terms of increased performance occurs with a daily intake of at least 3 grams of creatine.

  • Carnitine

Carnitine is valuable primarily for its function in lipid metabolism. In beta-oxidation, the biochemical breakdown mechanism of fatty acids, carnitine is required for the removal of fatty acids from the cells. The fatty acids are transported into the mitochondria, the energy power plants of the body and there metabolized into energy.

  • Trainingsbooster

So-called Training booster supplements are taken as pre-workout shakes (before training) for a variety of reasons. Among other things, they should sharpen the focus on training, provide more "pumps", increase performance in training, increase alertness, boost energy and fat metabolism and more. All in all, a more intense tranig should be enabled for maximum growth stimuli for the muscles.

  • L-Glutamine

When it comes to amino acids, that's what counts Glutamine to the semi-essential aminos and is often referred to as "muscle amino acid". This is because, at over 60 percent, it is the most concentrated amino acid in muscle cells. In high stress situations such as training, the glutamine produced by the body itself is no longer sufficient to meet the increased need. Especially in the regeneration phase after training, you should therefore pay attention to an increased supply of glutamine.

  • Arginine

Arginine also belongs to the semi-essential amino acids and, in its free form, is the precursor for the formation of nitrogen monoxide (NO). Because of this NO synthesis, arginine is irreplaceable for the expansion of blood vessels. Due to its importance in other physical processes such as When it comes to the release of growth hormones, it should not be missing in our supplement plan for the muscle building phase.

  • Amino acids and BCAA's

The amino acids are, so to speak, individual protein building blocks and thus also contribute to building and maintaining hard-earned muscle mass. Proteins consist of a chain of different individual amino acids. Splitting or digesting these amino acid chains into its components not only takes time but also challenges the digestive process. In certain phases, the intake of already broken down amino acids makes sense. Especially BCAA (branched chain amino acids) supplementswhich consist of the three amino acids L-valine, L-leucine and L-isoleucine and cannot be produced by the body itself, are excellent for taking before and during training.

  • Omega fatty acids

As Omega fatty acids are the unsaturated fatty acids, among which the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids form a separate subgroup. They cannot be formed by the body itself and are therefore essential. This means that the omega fatty acids must be supplied to the body through food or in addition through supplements. In general, you need around 0.8 grams of fat per kilogram of body weight per day.

  • Vitamins and minerals

A balanced and varied diet is not only very important in weight training. By eating fresh vegetables and fruits, you can already gain a large number of important ones vitamins and Minerals record, tape. Athletes add antioxidants after training and specifically with supplements in order to completely cover their vitamin and mineral requirements.

  • Zink

The essential trace element Zink also plays an important role in building muscle. It is involved in over 300 functions in the body. When it comes to building muscle, it is particularly interesting that zinc helps maintain the testosterone level in the blood and supports protein synthesis. Zinc also contributes to the carbohydrate metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, metabolism of macronutrients, DNA synthesis, cell division, cognitive function, maintenance of bones, skin, hair and nails. Also important, as this promotes the health of the body, the trace element contributes to the function of the immune system and protects the cells from oxidative stress.

Tribulus TerrestrisTip: From around the age of 40, the level of testosterone in the blood of men continuously decreases. We therefore recommend the additional intake of a Tribulus Terrestris supplement or another Text-Booster, which also contains zinc. It is also recommended if the testosterone level is too low, caused by illness, stress, etc.

Additional tips and advice on supplementary use of supplements

  • Eat a lot and, above all, eat well

Consuming supplements and exercise nutrition is a good addition to your daily diet. However, supplements are by no means a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. In order to gain muscle and mass, you have to eat a lot. It is advantageous if you have three main meals and several snacks in between. Your diet should be structured so that you get a good mix of proteins, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats.

  • Drink enough and plenty

In order to achieve the most effective effect possible with the intake of the supplements mentioned here, it is necessary that you drink a lot. The more you drink, the better. 4 liters of water on training days should serve as a basis. A lot of water, which is stored in the muscles, is required for muscle building or growth. Training also increases the body's need for fluids. It is therefore very important that you also consider fluid intake in your supplement plan during the muscle building phase.

  • No alcohol

Alcohol is counterproductive in building muscle. After a workout, your body needs a recovery period to repair muscles and build new muscle mass. The consumption of alcohol during this very important phase is a major disruption to recovery. Alcohol removes water from the body, which you need to build muscle. In addition, alcohol weakens the immune system and disturbs sleep, which deprives you of an important recovery phase. Switch to non-alcoholic wheat beer, as this is very nutritious and has an isotonic effect.

Download the supplement plan as a PDFHere you can download our supplement plan as a PDF:

  • Supplement plan for the muscle building phase (Beginners, advanced and professionals)
  • Empty template: Mein Supplement-Plan (to fill in yourself)

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