Glutamine for building muscle

Glutamine for building muscle

Glutamine is an important amino acid for muscle maintenance and also for rapid muscle building.

Glutamin ist eine nicht essenzielle Aminosäure, der Körper kann sie also in gewissen Mengen selbst herstellen. Sie kommt in der höchsten Konzentration in den Muskelzellen vor. Hier sorgt L-Glutamine für die Möglichkeit der Wassereinlagerung in der Zelle und bewirkt bei körperlichen Anstrengungen die Vergrößerung des Volumens der Zellen. Dies wird dadurch gefördert, dass die Protein- und Glykogenbildung angeregt wird. Das ist natürlich besonders für einen Sportler oder Kraftsportler sehr wichtig. Aber auch grundsätzlich hat Glutamin als Baustein für die Proteinsynthese eine wichtige Bedeutung. Die Zellen des Verdauungstrakts benötigen diese Aminosäure als ein wichtiges Energiesubstrat.

No weight training without glutamine

Glutamine has been part of weight training for a long time. As the most popular and effective amino acid, it is very important for many athletes to support muscle building and promote regeneration after training. Because it is also responsible for promoting a healthy immune system, the general condition can be greatly improved. Recovery after training and the glycogen supply are also reasons for the intake of glutamine by athletes. Primarily, however, glutamine is used to help build muscle mass. This has also been proven for a long time, the amino acid L-glutamine ensures an increase in cell volume and water storage in the cells. This can of course also increase protein and glycagon formation. This is a constructive and supportive process, which is particularly welcomed by strength athletes. L-glutamine is produced from L-glutamic acid in a so-called glutamine synthetase. The total storage for amino acids in the body is 20% glutamine, so it is limited. However, the highest concentration of this is found in the muscle cells. The replenishment of glutamine is primarily formed in the liver, kidneys, brain and lungs.

Support muscle building through the supply of glutamine

Stressful situations or heavy physical exertion - including strength training - ensure a reduced level of glutamine. As a result, of course, the muscles cannot regenerate as quickly on the one hand and cannot build up on the other. After training, proteins are broken down into amino acids so that they can be burned for energy. In addition, glutamine has other important tasks in the cells. In addition to cell growth, it is also required for the production of certain neurotransmitters. By stimulating the immune system, after strong muscle training, it can be ensured that regeneration takes place better, muscle building is promoted and muscle breakdown is prevented.

Glutamine dosage to build muscle

Experts recommend approx. 20 g glutamine per day for the optimal glutamine dosage. The basis here is the calculation of 1 gram per hour divided into an intake every 2 hours (as 2 to 3 grams every 2 hours). Since frequent intake is usually too cumbersome, it is recommended to distribute the dosage over 3 to 4 times of intake so that the body is evenly supplied with this amino acid. Possible times of intake are e.g. after getting up, before and after exercising and before going to bed. In order to get the body used to the additional intake of glutamine, it is advisable to increase the intake gradually to the maximum.

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