Sport and alcohol - a dangerous combination?

Sport and alcohol - a dangerous combination?

For many recreational athletes, the cold beer after training is the proverbial “light at the end of the tunnel” - but casual athletes in particular do not think much about the effects. But what exactly are the effects of this cool refreshment? Here I would like to present you with a few facts that may make you see this cool refreshment in a different light.

Alcohol of any kind causes dehydration. This is a real problem, especially for endurance athletes and athletes, because a disturbed water balance has been shown to lead to reduced performance. According to nutritionists, alcohol should be avoided completely 48 hours before an important competition. Common sense advises you to refrain from alcohol immediately before any sporting activity: the ability to react, the sense of balance and the risk assessment suffer. But alcohol is also not recommended after exercise.

The hidden calorie bomb

Beer is a treacherous drink for athletes: half a liter of wheat beer with 5% alcohol already contains around 240 kcal. In comparison, 600 kcal are burned during easy jogging - in plain language this means that 1.5 liters of beer cancels out this calorie loss. Especially when training is about getting leaner, alcohol should be avoided as far as possible.

Regeneration and feeling of hunger

In addition, certain components of the barley juice increase the feeling of hunger: This means that, in addition to the high amount of calories, the intake of additional calories is favored. If consumed excessively, the alcohol contained can hinder the regeneration of the body even for days, as the testosterone level in the body is reduced. This makes further training all the more strenuous and it becomes more difficult to achieve lasting success.

The proportion of growth hormones is also reduced when alcohol is consumed, which crucially hinders muscle building. The white muscle fibers that are specifically required for runs and sprints cannot be formed to a normal extent.

Another negative effect is the disruption of the REM phase: deep sleep, which is necessary for regeneration of the body, cannot take place in this way. The next day's training will be all the more difficult.

Of course, you should treat yourself to a small reward from time to time - a glass of red wine in the evening, about once a week, can work wonders for your own well-being. In addition, the positive effects of red wine in particular have been scientifically proven.


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