Dwayne The Rock Johnson is considered a training machine

Dwayne The Rock Johnson is considered a training machine

The Rock

Dwayne The Rock Johnson is training to the top

And on the seventh day, he created the Dwayne Johnson exercise machine, widely known as The Rock. Known on the scene as a total training fanatic, Dwayne Johnson worked his way to the top from the bottom. In 1995 he stood in a wrestling ring for the first time, which was made possible thanks to the training of his father, Rocky Johnson. A year later he made his debut in what was then WWF (now WWE) and from then on the great fairy tale began.

With motivation and healthy training to become a 10x World Champion

At the beginning still as thin as a straw, Johnson trained himself over the years to become a model athlete. Especially the Shoulder muscles shone at the height of his career in the ring. His real training boom only emerged after he resigned his full-time wrestling career at WWE. With his first big movie The Scorpion King in 2002, The Rock proved that he could cut a fine figure on the big screen. The Samoan quickly developed into a crowd favorite and won many fans away from the sport. Today he has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and was praised internationally for three absolute hit movies last year.

Training for film and ring

The Rock hat auch nach der Beendigung seiner aktiven Ringkarriere viel Wert auf seine körperliche Fitness gelegt und veröffentlicht regelmäßig Fotos und Videos von seinem Training in den Sozialen Medien. Für den Film Herkules im Jahr 2014 baute er dermaßen viel Muskelmasse auf, dass er sogar von seinen ehemaligen Ringkollegen schief angeschaut wurde. Er trainiert im Gym ohne Geräte und wagt sich danach auch gerne an große Gewichte, wobei die Eisenkette im Genick als zusätzliches Gewicht auf keinen Fall fehlen darf. Natürlich ändert sich sein Trainingsplan von Zeit zu Zeit. Hier jedoch eine Informationen von Mens Health, nach welchen Methoden er für den Film Pain & Gain trainiert hat.

Training Monday to Saturday:

Monday: shoulder, including shoulder press with barbell, shrugs with barbell, prey flys on the cable pull in the underhand grip, neck machine and lateral raises with the dumbbell

Tuesday: back, wide grip lat pulldowns, tight grip lat pulldowns, one-armed rowing machine, hyperextensions

Closed on Wednesdays

Thursday: legs, leg presses, hamstrings, calf raises and lunges with the barbell

Friday: Arms, biceps curls on the machine, triceps presses on the cable, triceps presses over the head on the cable, dumbbell curls, one-armed triceps press on the cable with an underhand grip

Saturday: chest, push-ups, bench press with dumbbells, crossed cable pulling

Closed Sundays

Dwayne Johnson is known to enjoy taking a day off on Sundays. He also likes to indulge in pancakes or other delicacies.

A muscle pack is a fan favorite

A million dollar smile, an open manner and gratitude towards the fans, that's what defines The Rock and catapulted him to the top of Hollywood. But he has by no means forgotten his past in sports and bodybuilding. Just these days, the rumor is in the world that he will step into the WWE ring again for this year's WrestleMania, alongside former UFC fighter Ronda Rousey, who has also recently been working for the market leader in pro wrestling is. The story is not that simple, however, because his comeback in the ring is always linked to the film industry. If there is a big shoot coming up, he is sometimes refused to return to the ring. Insurance reasons are mentioned here. Who is more with the Training von Dwayne The Rock Johnson wants to pay a visit to the celebrity's social media pages.

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