Eating consciously: what is sprouted quinoa?

Eating consciously: what is sprouted quinoa?

Raw Food Week ”with attractive prices from the culinary experts for sprouted seeds

At least every competitive athlete should be aware that there is more to balanced and conscious sports nutrition than supplementing the "standard" diet with nutritional supplements. In our blog, we also want to gradually introduce you to a few unusual foods that are characterized by a high nutritional content. Given the occasion, this article is about sprouts and seedlings or "Quinona". The culinary artists currently have sprouted quinoa on offer und werden auf Messen oft gefragt, was der Unterschied zwischen Keimlingen und frischen Sprossen sei und vor allem, wo die Vorteile für die menschliche Ernährung liegen.


Basically, it can be said that both grow from the seed. Sprouts are grown on nutrient medium (e.g. cress, which can be bought fresh and stretched on cotton wool) and then cut off directly above the grain. The sprouts of different sizes depending on the fruit, e.g. The 4-5cm tall bamboo shoots can then be found in many raw food recipes and especially in Asian cuisine with its salads.


Seedlings in raw food quality are usually moistened for 3 days under daylight conditions and are kept up to max. below 42 ° C. warmed up. After a short time you can already see the sprout growing out of the seed. Then the water supply is stopped, otherwise the germ would use the collected nutrients for the growth process. The germ is now complete, including the grain, ready for consumption. The advantage for our diet is the enormous richness of the sprouted fruit in vitamins, minerals, proteins and trace elements. Sprouted quinoa comes e.g. at 100g to 14g protein!

Da es sich um Rohkostqualität handelt, die nur gering erwärmt wurde, werden die Enzyme nicht zerstört, ein weiterer Vorteil für eine bewusste Ernährung. Ebenfalls im Angebot sind angekeimte Sonnenblumen- und Buchweizenkerne, beide eignen sich hervorragend für Salate und Müsli. Sonnenblumenkeimlinge haben einen typisch nussigen Geschmack, die Buchweizenkeimlinge schmecken leicht bitter.


According to your taste: either cook for about 15 minutes and then let it steep, alternatively: briefly roast in the pan, or for raw food lovers: soak for about 30-45 minutes and process into a delicious salad.

Diejenigen, die keine Zeit für Zubereitung & Kochen haben, finden delicious snacks on sprouted seeds on the side.

Gekeimte Quinoa:

Quinoa is still relatively unknown in Germany, originally from South America and is also known as Inca grain, Andean and Inca rice. The quinoa itself is a very robust plant, which does not cause any problems even extreme temperature differences. If you take a closer look at the plant, it quickly becomes clear why even the UN patronized the plant and proclaimed “For the Year of Quinoa” in 2013: Quinoa contains all of the nine essential amino acids that are extremely important to us. The balance is similar for minerals, even spelled cannot compete with the gluten-free fruit.

Nutritional table for quinoa - average composition

per 100 g edible portion:

energy 1434 kJ
(343 kcal)
water 12,7 g
protein 13,8 g
fat 5,0 g
carbohydrates 58,5 g
of which fiber 6,6 g
Minerals 3,3 g
Potassium 805 mg
Phosphor 330 mg
Magnesium 275 mg
Calcium 80 mg
sodium 10 mg
Requirements 8 mg
Zink 2,5 mg

Vitamin B1 170 µg
Nicotinamid 450 µg

Those: Wikipedia / Quinoa

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