The 5 Best Supplements for Building Muscle

The 5 Best Supplements for Building Muscle

Fitness trainers are asked this question again and again: Which are the best supplements for building muscle? In any case, a balanced diet with sufficient proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and even some fat is essential, because this is also required in order to be able to build muscle mass and enough water. About 30% of your diet should be protein.

No muscle building without carbohydrates!

Essential for building muscle are sufficient carbohydrates and nutrients that the body uses to replenish its glycogen stores so it doesn't have to attack muscle mass. Carbohydrates are mainly found in whole grain products. Carbohydrate powders, which are tasteless or available in various flavors, can be used at any time, before training as well as directly after training to optimize results.

Proteins for your muscle building: Whey / BCAA, casein, creatine

In the next place can Whey Protein to be named. Our bodies get whey protein from milk (skimmed milk) and milk products. Included are u. a. Linolenic acid, glutamine and branched chain amino acids, also known as BCAA. Nutritionists recommend that serious bodybuilders consume at least two to three grams of whey protein per pound of body weight, half the first thing in the morning when you get up and the other half immediately after your workout. Low-fat whey protein has the advantage of being quickly absorbed by the body and therefore building muscle mass just as quickly. The BCAA amino acids contained in it repair muscle tissue, stimulate protein synthesis, ensure more energy and rapid muscle growth.

Will be much slower Casein Protein degraded, which is obtained from whey. Casein should therefore be consumed in the evening. This whey protein is found in buttermilk, kefir, yoghurt, quark and cheese and is also available in practical powder form. We recommend an average of 100 grams daily, about a third of it before bed, a third after your workout and a third between your meals.

If you want to increase muscle mass and strength, you should also give it a try Creatine make, which consists of amino acids. Creatine produces adenosine triphosphate, which is responsible for regeneration and energy volume, so that you can train more and harder to gain muscle mass. You can find creatine mainly in meat and fish as well as protein shakes, which can easily be consumed directly before and after training. In addition to the amino acid Glutamine be grasped. Pros classify glutamine, which prevents muscle breakdown and shortens the recovery phases, as less effective for building muscle but very effective for maintaining muscle compared to creatine. This amino acid can be taken with creatine.

Building muscle with omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are contained in fish oil, remain irreplaceable in muscle building. It produces testosterone and growth hormones, makes new muscle tissue grow. Omega-3 ensures that amino acids and glucose are transported to your muscles faster, at the same time reducing the risk of injury and shortening your regeneration phase.

If you want to build muscle mass without fat, you should simply increase your fish oil consumption. The valuable omega-3 fatty acids can be ingested by salmon and other cold-water fish through a normal diet. If there is no fresh fish, you can always fall back on nutritional supplements, which are extremely easy to take. Experts recommend consuming at least 30 g of fish oil daily to build muscle. You will be able to quickly identify the differences and see visible muscle growth within a few weeks.

An excellent diet is indispensable to achieve your muscle building goal!

Of course, in an adequate diet, which is a basic requirement for muscle building, fiber, Vitamins and minerals not missing, otherwise metabolism and muscle building would suffer. Therefore, consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables; this also lowers the stress hormone cortisol. So that no deficiency symptoms can occur, you can always complete with multivitamin preparations and supplements.

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