These basic fitness exercises should be included in any serious exercise program

These basic fitness exercises should be included in any serious exercise program

In addition to nutrition, training is the most important part of building muscle. If you are serious about building muscle, the following fitness exercises should definitely be included in a training plan.

The exercises:

1. Bench press - This exercise is one of the oldest exercises, right after the simple push-ups that you do on the floor. The bench press involves lying on a weight bench and pushing a barbell upwards away from you, which is extremely good at exercising your chest and triceps. You can also target this exercise to the upper area of ​​the chest by increasing the angle of the weight bench a little. This is called an incline bench press. The same thing goes in the negative direction, which is called the negative bench press.

2. Neck press - This exercise mainly trains the front shoulder. The lateral shoulder and the triceps are also included here because this is a pushing movement. When doing this, you sit on a weight bench again with the backrest almost at a 90 degree angle to the floor. So you sit up straight.

3. Bicep curls – Mit den Bizeps-Curls trainiert man sehr isoliert seinen Bizeps, also den vorderen Teil des Oberarms. Hier kann man entweder mit Kurzhanteln oder einer Langhantel arbeiten. Bei der Ausführung „curlt“ man die entsprechende Hantel nach oben und sollte versuchen die Spannung im Muskel konstant zu halten. Diese Übung kann man stehend oder aber auch sitzend ausführen. Gerne sollte man hier variieren.

4.Trizeps Dips - Triceps dips are great for building triceps mass. This exercise is performed between two benches. You put these two benches parallel to each other and put your feet on one of them. On the other, you push yourself off the upholstery with your hands, let yourself down and push yourself up again with the help of your arms. During the execution, the tension in the muscle should remain constant again.

5. Pull-ups - With pull-ups you can train a large area of ​​the back muscles as well as the back shoulder. Like pushups, this exercise is one of the first exercises to be done. Basically, the exercise is simple, you pull yourself up on a bar or device and then let yourself down again.

6. Squats - The squat is also a very old exercise, but it can still be found in every leg workout. Here you stand with both feet on the floor (about shoulder width). You crouch down and push yourself up with the help of your thighs and buttocks. Buttocks and thighs are extremely stressed here, which results in a very effective training experience.

These simple basic exercises for fitness and muscle building can be done in a studio, but also very well at home. If you stick to training for a longer period of time, possibly with the help of a training plan, and switch your diet to muscle building (for tips on what to consider when eating, please read on here at, the first successes are not long in coming.

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