Exercising with sore muscles?

Exercising with sore muscles?

Flickr.com @ eriwst (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Flickr.com @ eriwst (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Almost everyone who does sport has already become acquainted with sore muscles. In general, it can affect anyone, but beginners suffer more often than athletes who already know how their muscles react to exertion.

Severe pain possible

The symptoms of sore muscles are typical, so it is generally easy to recognize. It is noticeable that the symptoms do not appear immediately while exercising, but often only the next day or at least a few hours later. So if you feel severe pain in the muscle during exertion, it may be a torn muscle fiber that needs to be treated immediately.

The sore muscles, on the other hand, come more slowly. It takes up to three days to reach its peak. The pain then subsides over the following days until it disappears completely. Typical of the pain is that it is sometimes extremely strong, so that you hardly want to move the affected area of ​​the body. In addition, the muscles are weak and stiff. The pain can limit the functionality of the extremity.

Even if the symptoms are sometimes extremely severe and those affected suffer greatly from them, they should know that the sore muscles are harmless. However, you have to expect that you can have to deal with it for about a week until the pain has completely subsided. More information is available at Netdoktor.de.

Training break for beginners

The recommendations on how to deal with such a complaint vary. It is often recommended to forego any further training completely, other voices recommend moderate training. A distinction must be made here between a beginner and an advanced athlete.

Beginners should be advised to take a break from training and take it easy. You are not yet fully aware of the muscle's response, so taking a break is beneficial. However, you can do something good for your muscles during this phase by warming and relaxing them in the sauna or in a warm bath.

If you are one of the advanced athletes, you can roughly estimate what you can expect from your muscles. Moderate endurance training is then suitable to accompany the phase of sore muscles.

If the pain does not subside after a week, it is advisable to consult a doctor to rule out other causes.

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