Current Scitec Products - Fat Burner News

Current Scitec Products - Fat Burner News

Spring is here! So it is high time to start the fat burning program!

Are you ready for the sunny days, even without a coat and sweater? You still have a few weeks to get back in top shape for the coming summer / vacation and to attract everyone's attention!

If you want a defined and toned body, then read the training tips on this blog! You can always find helpful tips in the articles under the blog category "Diet". Also take a look at Scitec Nutrition's ingredient-rich products such as Ignix, Restyle and PFX. Be sure to also try the new Scitec REVEX-16, the complex composition consisting of 16 ingredients.

This line of products from Scitec Nutrition wurde speziell entwickelt, um Dir eine breite Auswahl an verschiedenen Zusammensetzungen zu bieten – beginnend von den Basics bis hin zu hochkomplexen Formeln. So kannst Du ganz nach Deinen persönlichen Vorlieben eine gute Wahl treffen. REVEX 16 ist hierbei die stärkste und komplexeste Formel aus dieser Produktreihe!

Recommended Scitec combinations:

"Beach body" stack for women:


"Beach body" stack for men:

  • PFX

Competition preparation:

  • Revex-16

Our tip for an effective fat burning program

In the meantime it has been found that metabolic weight training is one of the best training methods to burn fat effectively! In this particular type of exercise, the workouts last a little longer than traditional power and bodybuilding workouts while the weight used is lighter. However, metabolic training is not just normal cardio training. It's a lot more intense! Compared to conventional heavy weight training, the calories burned in metabolic training are much higher. In addition, the increased breakdown of carbohydrates stimulates fat burning throughout the body. However, in addition to metabolic training, heavy strength training should also be carried out, otherwise it can lead to muscle loss. The perfect workout to effectively burn fat and maintain muscle mass at the same time is therefore a combination of metabolic training and (for men: heavy) strength training.

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