Vitamin and mineral supplements for use in sports

Vitamin and mineral supplements for use in sports

Vitamin and mineral supplements are among the most popular nutritional supplements among top athletes. This article explains why vitamin preparations are a useful addition.

If you are active in sport, your need for nutrients is of course much greater than if you were not doing any sport. Depending on the type of sport and the intensity with which you do it, the nutritional requirements can even be so great that it is difficult to meet them with conventional food. This is especially true if you don't have the time to eat regularly or if this is not always possible for you for other reasons. So-called dietary supplements can help, which, as the name suggests, are used to supplement the diet.

Which dietary supplements are good for whom?

In principle, all people need the same nutrients, which is why all athletes benefit from the same dietary supplements. However, the need for certain nutrients can be very different. Incidentally, this applies not only to carbohydrates and proteins, but also to minerals and vitamins. However, since these nutrients are extremely important for you for several reasons, supplementation in this regard can be very useful. For example, one reason you need vitamins in general, and vitamin C in particular, is to help strengthen your immune system. This point is of paramount importance for athletes, as you can only recover quickly from the stress of training if you have an intact immune system. Regardless of that, you certainly do not value a break in training due to illness. Training when sick would also be negligent, as this could lead to serious secondary illnesses.

What you should know about supplementing with vitamin and mineral supplements

Normally, even as a high-performance athlete, you should be able to cover your vitamin requirements with whole grain products, fresh fruit and vegetables and appropriate juices. However, you should refrain from eating foods with added vitamins and minerals, as an excessive supply of nutrients would be counterproductive. It is therefore better if you take your food yourself with you when you need it Vitamin and mineral supplements enriching. It is recommended that you always consume them in conjunction with foods that naturally contain the respective nutrients, as these contain certain messenger substances, which optimize the effect of the dietary supplements.

Conclusion vitamin supplements / mineral supplements

Even if vitamin and mineral supplements are not always essential for a balanced diet, they can be a useful addition at least during the cold seasons when there are hardly any fresh fruit and vegetables, especially since your immune system is then particularly stressed.

Bild: © Andrea Kusajda /

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