Creatine or Kre-Alkalyn - Which is Better?

Creatine or Kre-Alkalyn - Which is Better?

Creatine or creatine has been one of the most popular nutritional supplements among athletes in almost all sports for many years. One reason for this is certainly that the enormous effectiveness of creatine has been scientifically proven several times. A fact that by no means can be said about all supplements. In the form of Kre-Alkalyn, creatine got a serious competitor a few years ago, which promises the same advantages, but differs in one very specific point and therefore could possibly be the better choice for some athletes. In order to be able to make this choice, however, you must have the similarities and the said difference between Creatine and Kre-Alkalyn know.

Facts worth knowing about creatine

Creatine is a substance that occurs naturally in meat, fish and the human organism. In humans, this substance is made in the liver, pancreas and kidneys. The skeletal muscles must be named as the most important creatine store in the human body. This aspect already suggests that creatine has a positive effect on speed, endurance and maximum strength and muscle growth. However, the endogenous production of endogenous creatine is very low. There are even experts who are of the opinion that humans have a finite creatine depot in the body from birth, which cannot be replenished or kept at a constant level either through the body's own production or through food.

To the point that targeted supplementation with a high quality Creatine monohydrate preparation However, science agrees that it can very well lead to an enormous increase in strength and an impressive muscle growth and can also significantly shorten the necessary recovery phases after intense exertion. The demonstrably positive effects of supplementation with creatine are primarily made possible by the fact that a constantly high creatine level in the body promotes an equally fast replication of ATP, which is absolutely essential for muscle performance.

There is one potential problem, however, which is that creatine has a fairly low pH, no more than 6.9. Because of this low value, creatine tends to turn into so-called creatinine or creatinine when combined with water. The problem is that creatinine has no positive effects on strength or muscle gain. Under certain circumstances, creatinine can even lead to abdominal pain and headaches as well as slight nausea, although these side effects only occur in the rarest of cases.

Another side effect associated with the intake of creatine is increased water retention in the muscles, which in turn leads to rapid weight gain. But since the muscles gain volume directly through the storage of water, at least bodybuilders see it as a nice side effect or even the greatest strength of creatine.

Interesting facts about Kre-Alkalyn

Ultimately, Kre-Alkalyn is nothing more than creatine monohydrate. However, Kre-Alkalyn, e.g. the patented EFX Kre-Alkalyn, due to a special manufacturing process, has a significantly higher pH value than conventional creatine preparations. Thanks to this specifically increased pH value, which is 10 to 14 or even higher depending on the product, Kre-Alkalyn does not convert into the ineffective waste product creatinine. As a result, there are no unpleasant side effects such as headache, stomach ache or nausea to fear when taking Kre-Alkalyn.

In addition, there is no increased water storage in the muscles, which some might perceive as a disadvantage. But in terms of increasing strength and actual muscle growth, Kre-Alkalyn is clearly superior to creatine. This is at least true under laboratory conditions, since many athletes do not notice any noticeable difference in practice. Some athletes even miss the increase in volume that comes with creatine-related water retention in muscle cells and muscle fibers.

Fazit Creatine Vs. Kre-Alkalyn

When it comes to increasing strength and increasing pure muscle mass, Kre-Alkalyn is clearly the winner on paper, especially since it is guaranteed not to turn into creatinine and therefore has an enormous effect even with small doses. However, this does not necessarily mean that Kre-Alkalyn inevitably shows its superiority in everyday life, as the mode of action of high-quality creatine is also undisputed, as long as it is not converted into creatinine. In addition, when taking Kre-Alkalyn there is no water retention in the muscles and a resulting increase in weight and volume, which for you may ultimately be the really decisive argument for or against Kre-Alkalyn or creatine.

Tip: In our online shop you can buy various types of high-quality Kre-Alkaly and Buy creatine.

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