Why faster muscle building is incompatible with the mindset of the body

Why faster muscle building is incompatible with the mindset of the body

Gaining muscle quickly is not a healthy way to achieve it. Why is that like that? Why doesn't the body just build muscle quickly? The reasons for this are actually quite simple and very plausible. Muscles consume a significant amount of energy. The bigger muscles are, the more energy they also use. The question of why the body should build up a lot of musculature is not a far-fetched question, because the human body has evolved to save energy and store it as well as possible. So it's easier for us to gain fat than to burn it. In this way, the body can ensure that it has prepared for bad times when food is in short supply.

As you can see, the question of why you can't build muscle quickly is pretty easy to answer. The body just doesn't want to build large energy-consuming muscles when it isn't in use. So if you want to build muscles, you really have to convince your body and show over a long period of time that it really needs these muscles. This is only possible with years of training and an appropriate diet.

So how can you really build muscles?

This includes the following 3 areas:

1. The training of the muscles

A muscle will never wake up without training and overstraining the muscles. There are extremely many exercises that one can do, for example:

  • Langhantel Frontdrücken
  • Barbell neck press
  • Dumbbell lateral raises
  • Bent sideways raise
  • Latpressback for the back shoulder
  • Incline dumbbell curls
  • Standing barbell curls
  • Concentration Curls
  • Scottcurls
  • Dips
  • Stretch the dumbbell behind your head
  • Triceps extension on the rope
  • Triceps extension on the bar
  • Flat bench press with barbell or dumbbells
  • Incline bench press with barbell or dumbbells
  • Dumbbells flying on the flat bench or incline bench
  • Butterfly
  • Dumbbell covers
  • Pull-ups
  • Lat pull on the cable
  • Dumbbell row
  • Deadlifts
  • Squats
  • Leg stretches
  • Leg press in the machine
  • Calf raises
  • and much more.

All of these exercises are ideal for training your muscles and stimulating them to grow.

2. The diet

Of course, training isn't everything. Appropriate nutrition is just as important as exercising. The main nutrient here is that Protein / egg white. Without this nutrient, there is no building material available to the body to build muscles. A continuous supply is therefore essential. As a basic rule, you can remember this rule: Your own body weight in grams (i.e. simply adopt kg as grams) times two corresponds to the daily protein requirement in grams.

Excess calories are also helpful in building muscle mass. As mentioned at the beginning, the larger the muscles, the more energy they use. In addition, there is the fact that intensive training costs a lot of energy. If the body is no longer supplied with more energy through food intake, this energy is also partly obtained from protein or muscle protein, which greatly slows down muscle building. Care should therefore be taken to give the body enough carbohydrates feed. The use of so-called Weight-Gainern, which consist of a protein-carbohydrate combination and are tailored to the increased nutrient intake during muscle building phases.

3. The regeneration and recovery

Muskeln wachsen nicht während des Trainings, sondern erst danach. Sie wachsen, wenn sie einen Reiz erhalten haben der ihnen sagt, dass die größer und stärker werden müssen um mit der Belastung fertig zu werden. Der Wachstumsreiz wird durch das Training ausgelöst und in der Regenerations- und Erholungsphase füllt der Körper zuerst die Energiereserven der Muskel wieder auf und dann kümmert er sich erst um die sogenannte „Hypertrophie“, also der Vergrößerung der Muskelzellen und somit der Muskeln. In dieser Phase werden Creatin- and Glutamine-Supplements recommended, as they provide the body with other important nutrients that are useful as part of muscle building training.

In a nutshell:

  1. First stimulate the muscle to grow through training
  2. Deliver nutrients (around the clock - if possible)
  3. And then let the muscles grow

Then muscle building can also take place, which is compatible with the attitude of the body. In our Online shop you will find products for sports nutrition to complement a nutrition plan in the muscle building phase.

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