Shaping the body through weight training and diet

Shaping the body through weight training and diet

Kasbani Dumbbell.jpg (Copyright: Mustaqim89, Source: Wikimedia Commons)

If you only want to lose weight by following a diet, in most cases you will not have much success. Exercise is essential for long-term weight loss. Während man früher von Ausdauersportarten als Nonultra ausgegangen ist, wird heute Krafttraining empfohlen. Der Vorteil gegenüber Joggen oder Radfahren liegt im unmittelbaren Beginn der Fettverbrennung; hier ist keine lange Übungsphase erforderlich. Eine sinnvolle Ergänzung dazu ist Sports nutrition, as this supplies the body with all the important nutrients for building muscle.

How do you achieve optimal fat burning?

Depending on the severity of the load, fat burning within the body takes place in two ways:

Anaerobic: without oxygen

Aerobic: with oxygen

The latter consumes fats and glucose, the ratio of which depends on the intensity of the sports exercise. The following applies: the lower the intensity, the higher the fat burning. It is important to know that not that momentary Type of energy supply influences the degree of weight loss, but the calorie balance about one longer period. If this is negative, fat is permanently broken down.

Endurance training As I said at the beginning, alone is not the right method for losing weight, but as Supplement to weight training indispensable. This demonstrably increases the efficiency of the entire cardiovascular system and increases the consumption of calories. The latter is supported by weight training: the enlarged muscles require more calories - that means permanent fat loss. The more intensely this training is carried out, the more muscle mass is created. Due to the increased calorie requirement, no new "fat pads" are formed even after the diet.

Under no circumstances should you be discouraged by low weight loss (especially at the beginning), because muscle tissue is heavier than fat tissue. The whole body is restructured, resulting in one aesthetic and balanced physique leads.

Im PEAK information blog on muscle building and sports nutrition you will find more information about sports nutrition and supplements.

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