Carbohydrates for building muscle

Carbohydrates for building muscle

What are carbohydrates and what role do they play in building muscle

Carbohydrates play a central role as energy carriers in nutrition and for muscle building and, together with fats and proteins, are the most valuable parts of food in terms of quantity. As carbohydrates Do you know the foods made from cereals such as bread and pasta, rice and potatoes as well as peas, beans and lentils in the daily diet? Carbohydrates also include various types of sugar, such as normal table sugar, grape sugar or fructose. Certain types of fruit that are very sweet are therefore also carbohydrates in the diet. So it is the ordinary staple foods that provide energy through their supply of carbohydrates. Energy that you especially need to build muscle and therefore have to consume in sufficient quantities. As the main supplier of energy, carbohydrates are among the substances that the body absolutely needs in certain quantities.

Carbohydrates and the percentage of sugar

Peak Glucofast

The low molecular weight carbohydrates in Peak Glucofast serve as an energy supplier.

The glucose dissolved in the blood is responsible for the energy supply - i.e. the performance. Glucose is obtained in the small intestine, from here it is channeled into the blood and can thus be transported to the muscles and all organs. In the intestine, of course, other substances that are supplied with the diet are also used. The term carbohydrates also includes the term long and short carbohydrates. When training to build muscle, this will make a difference for you, short-chain carbohydrates are contained in glucose, for example, and ensure quick recovery after training. The long carbohydrates from potatoes, rice or oatmeal are counted, they decompose slowly, which explains the name long-chain carbohydrates.

You should therefore pay attention to the metabolism of carbohydrates during muscle building training or when exercising. The short carbohydrates are needed quickly during and after training and are therefore best supplied in the form of glucose. It quickly reaches the muscle cells via the blood, is stored there as glycogen and is made available immediately when the muscles are used.

Do not consume carbohydrates in advance

The ability to ingest carbohydrates and convert them into readily available energy is a small miracle in the body. Nevertheless, you should make sure to only supply the body with the right amount of carbohydrates that it needs. That can be around 50% of the total amount of calories per day, but it varies from one person to another. So it is not possible to build up muscles and make strength immediately available by consuming sweets and other things that contain a lot of simple sugars.

When the carbohydrate stores are full, the body does not break down the energy, but uses chemical processes to create it as fat cells. However, this will only be a hindrance to muscle building training, so you should make sure that you only consume a small amount of short carbohydrates. Basically should carbohydrates can only be consumed when the body is supposed to perform afterwards.

Building muscle through carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are particularly important for building muscle during the day. In order to gain muscle mass, one must also consume good carbohydrates. The right amount of carbohydrates increases the release of insulin, which pumps nutrients into the muscle cells and stimulates the release of IGF (insulin-like growth factors). In the muscle building phase, a sufficient amount of carbohydrates should therefore be consumed with each meal. At the same time, the increased carbohydrate intake can cover the increased calorie requirement during the build-up phase. Especially everyone who has a fast metabolism and problems with increasing muscle mass should ensure that they consume sufficient carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates for building muscle In its purest form as a nutritional supplement you can also find it here in our shop.


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