How can I gain weight quickly? Expert tips!

How can I gain weight quickly? Expert tips!

People are individuals who can react differently to the same impulses. For this very reason, there is no one-size-fits-all route by which everyone, without exception, will gain weight as quickly as they naturally can. However, you can be given some tips that will definitely help you find the right path for you. These tips include the three indisputable pillars that are essential if you want to gain weight as quickly as possible in a healthy way.

1. The training

If you don't just want to gain weight, but want to build more muscle mass, appropriate training is an inevitable must. In this context, there are some fundamentally different approaches, all of which make sense, but each of them does not necessarily bring the desired success. This is especially true if you want to continuously gain weight up to your desired ideal weight.

1.1. Short training sessions

In most cases, short training units with few exercises, sets and repetitions with the highest possible weights are recommended. This is not completely wrong, but it does involve a risk of injury that should not be underestimated. In any case, the ideal exercises for this type of training are basic exercises in which several muscle groups are trained at the same time. One advantage of this training method is that it hardly takes any time. It also promotes anabolism. This training method is particularly suitable for full-body training.

1.2. The more the better

Another training variant provides many different exercises with several sets and ten, twelve or even more repetitions per set. The often invoked advantages of this variant are that you can train individual muscle groups more specifically and the risk of injury is significantly lower. However, if you exaggerate the training units, these advantages no longer apply, at the latest in terms of impending signs of wear and tear. This training method is of course much more time-consuming. It can also lead to a catabolic effect if the diet is not adapted, which would make you lose weight rather than gain. So watch out for increased nutrient intake. This training variant will be a crucial part of your path to more muscle mass. It is ideal for split training plans.

1.3. Do you always have to train to complete muscle failure?

Even if something else is often said, it only makes limited sense to train to complete muscle failure with every exercise and to complete exhaustion with every training session. Here and there you can give impulses for increased muscle building. In the long run, however, the consistently high intensity would be counterproductive due to the increasing risk of injury.

1.4. Do exercises need to be done slowly?

Slow repetitions allow controlled, accurate execution, which is useful for several reasons. With this method you can address the muscles particularly intensely. However, the muscles also contain special muscle fibers for rapid strength. You hardly address these with slow repetitions. Therefore, exercises performed quickly or even explosively can be very effective.

1.5. Can you even do endurance sports if you want to gain weight?

Endurance sports are considered the ideal means of losing weight quickly. However, it is also advisable to a certain extent when gaining weight, as it increases your endurance, which is beneficial for your actual training units. So doing an endurance training session every now and then can't hurt. In addition, muscle parts are trained in endurance sports that are hardly used in classic strength training or the very effective bodyweight exercises.

Interim conclusion: All of these training methods can help you gain weight. However, you should combine them alternately. This is the only way you will achieve the best possible results, as you will give your body new impulses again and again. In order to find out which type of training works best for you, it is recommended that you start with point 1.1. start, as this training variant can only be varied in one direction.

2. The diet

Of course, to gain weight you need to eat enough. Sufficient is actually the wrong word here, as you should achieve a calorie sur when you gain weight. Exact amounts of calories in general and proteins, carbohydrates and fats in particular cannot be made. This is mainly due to the fact that the actual need varies for each person and for each training phase. There are also qualitative differences in terms of the respective nutrients. It is important that you increase your nutrient intake, otherwise you will not be able to gain weight!

2.1. Calories

Simply counting calories makes no sense when you are losing or gaining weight. This is at least true if you only want to lose body fat or build up pure muscle mass. It makes a big difference whether you consume calories in the form of pure sugar, high-quality protein or animal fat.

2.1. Carbohydrates

The majority of the calories in a healthy sports diet are carbohydrates. However, you have to pay close attention to the type of carbohydrates. Pay attention to complex carbohydrates. Also note that the consumption of carbohydrates in connection with fat promotes the storage of body fat. Care should therefore be taken to consume less fat through the diet when eating a high-carbohydrate diet.

2.2. protein

Protein is, so to speak, the material from which muscles are built and should therefore be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities. Special amino acids, which make up proteins, are crucial for building muscle. Protein is found in foods like meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and cottage cheese. Are also recommended Protein powder to supplement the diet. They allow additional proteins to be supplied to the body in a simple manner.

2.3. fat

Fat is simply essential for survival, which is why it must be part of your diet. However, you should pay attention to the amount and quality of the fat. Here it is important to pay attention to polyunsaturated fatty acids.

2.4. Food supplements

Dietary supplements are not absolutely necessary in order to achieve success in sport, as you can cover a certain nutritional requirement through the "normal" food intake. Still can Nutritional supplements be a useful addition in particularly intensive training phases, especially to meet the increased need for nutrients. But they can also be an invaluable help in stressful everyday life if you don't have the time for a real meal. Meeting the increased need for protein through diet alone is not only more time-consuming but often also more expensive, like using a protein supplement in addition to meals.

Tip: Pay special attention here Weight Gainer Supplemente which, in addition to carbohydrates, contain proteins and many other nutrients that can have a positive effect on building up and gaining weight. If you want to gain weight, you should also consider taking creatine. You can find more information about creatine here.

3. The recovery

If you want to gain weight, you must under no circumstances underestimate the importance of adequate recovery, as the training only provides the incentive for muscle growth. The actual muscle growth only takes place in the resting phase. In addition, insufficient regeneration phases inevitably lead to overtraining, which not only makes any further progress impossible, but even leads to muscle loss. It is not advisable to exercise the same muscle groups every day. For example, with full-body training, there should always be at least one day's break between training units.

4. The motivation

Perseverance is another basic requirement for successful and rapid weight gain. It makes sense to set goals. Write down these goals and perform e.g. monthly checks on yourself. How much weight did I gain? How many inches have my muscles gained girth this month? Does my reflection correspond to the development that I have made as my goal? Record this data with the date and photo in a separate training book. So you can always keep your goals in mind and motivate yourself to work hard on yourself. Let yourself be motivated by friends and training partners. There are always phases in which you don't feel like it, but these phases must be overcome with willpower and motivational aids. Ultimately, it is these difficult phases that determine whether you gain weight successfully or not. Be ambitious and don't let your goals dissuade you. But forgive yourself for mistakes. If a day goes bad, what counts is that you keep going and that the week as a whole is still a success!

Conclusion: The question of "how fast to gain weight" therefore requires a combination of several factors from training, nutrition, recovery and motivation. If you pay attention to these points and combine them with one another, nothing stands in the way of a rapid increase in weight, primarily in the form of muscles. You will find it difficult to fully implement all things right away, so go step by step and constantly try to improve. Find out more about training methods, diets, supplements for sports nutrition, etc. and try to follow them as far as possible. Then you will achieve your goals such as weight gain and more muscle mass and you will be able to set further goals.

Tip: The taking of Creatin will usually lead to weight gain. Combined with Proteins and carbohydrates weight gain is made easier.

I wish you every success in gaining weight!

Sporty greetings, Benjamin

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